What do you value above all else? What would you give absolutely anything for?
It's difficult to say this is what I hold in the highest esteem, above all else. One of the things that would devastate me if it was taken away from me is the ability to raise my children (when I have them..) on the land. To me running free through puddles and dirt, making temporary 'dams' (otherwise known as diverting the water running down our driveway by a few mm), playing with animals, having chores and the many other things that come with a farming childhood are priceless. Why do I think chores are priceless? They taught me to have responsibilities from a young age, they taught me that there are consequences if you don't toe the line. They taught me how to reason, as swapping out of chores in this house required a literary debate at times. So, all that glitters is not gold...
Yesterday morning was a misty morning, these were my favourite as a child on the school bus. I'd drive for an hour and a bit through a winter wonderland and know that by lunch time the sky would be a clear crystal blue. Perfect for playing!
Now, if you can, try and zoom in on each of these photos. The 'glitter' is difficult to see as I type on my phone so I hope it shows up with a little more definition on a computer screen. :)
The Sage glittered...
The weeds glittered...
The cobwebs glittered...
Even the whole Barley paddock glittered as the sun shone through the dewy heads of grain.

The Wild Oats glittered...
EVERYTHING glittered...
As we delicately weave,
The strands of our lives.
We are battered,
Trying to please.
When the only thing we need?
Is to take joy in this life.
As a 'Life on the Land-ian' I look forward to the day when I can take my kids for a walk and remind them to look down and to look up. To change their perspective when what you see seems to hold no wonder or opportunity. I look forward to teaching them what each plant type is, to showing them how cleverly some of them retain water for their 'fuel'. I look forward to showing them the beauty of a spiderweb. Undoubtedly they will poke it with a finger or a stick, that is a child's nature. Yet I look forward to that to because I can teach them to respect another's home or property, I can teach them to respect the spider and let that teaching flow through to all animals. Life on the land is full of beautiful ways to teach my children to be beautiful people. People who are caring, respectful, strong, thoughtful and fun loving. That is my glitter, that is my gold.
So take a look at your life today, what do you hold dearest? What do you cherish most? Have you fulfilled that need? If you have, keep it close, continue to cherish it. If you haven't then strive for it, reach for it, don't let yourself settle for less. Make your life a thing to behold. Make your life something you are proud of, something that excites you and encourages you to continue to reach for your dreams! Everything that glitters, my friend, is not gold.
Hi, I have been looking at your wonderful blog. Love the photo's and your enthusiasm for country life. Nana on the farm.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are enjoying it, apologies for not seeing this comment. I'm still trying to get the blog to notify me when comments are made! I hope you continue reading :)