Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Wildflowers - Take 2

So, I promised more photos and here they are! The Spider Orchids are starting to come out in full force and the first of the Kangaroo Paws are emerging. The bush is absolutely beautiful to wander through with the spring smell in the air. You just have to pick the time of day when the mosquitoes are hiding! I won't keep you from the pretty pictures any longer! :)

Some of the gorgeous bush daisies out at the moment, there are literally fields of these in the bush!

The infamous Kangaroo Paw. You absolutely cannot miss these colours as you walk through the bush.

The Rosy-Cheeked Donkey Orchid, I know it doesn't look that different from the Purple Pansy Orchid in my last post but you'll notice the 'ears' are positioned slightly differently and the colouring is its distinguishing feature.

These three are all the same kind of Spider Orchid and they present beautifully when they grow in threes as shown top left. After copious hunting I have discovered this one closest resembles the Hills White Spider Orchid. It is honestly astounding how many different varieties of Spider Orchid there are. 

Another of the Silky Blue Orchid, these ones were out a different section of bush and have a slightly different hue to them. It's amazing how each area of bush helps each orchid develop its own characteristics.

This is a larger Trigger Orchid and I took great delight in setting it off just so you could see what happens!

These are from another section of bush again and were in an incredibly tight cluster! I have been hunting through the Orchid books we have here and I haven't managed to find anything that exactly resembles it but I think this is a Pansy Orchid. Feel free to correct me if anyone knows otherwise! 

Last one! When this blooms it opens out into a soft yellow orchid, known as a Lemon Scented Sun Orchid or the Vanilla Orchid. These ones are very sweet and simple compared to the intricacies of some of the other orchids.

I hope you enjoy the pics and maybe manage to go and have a bit of bush walk and discover some for yourself. Until the next installment.

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