Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Mission Impossible

There are some jobs on the farm that without a doubt feel like they're impossible. I'm currently top dressing some last minute nutrients onto the canola before we have no chance of getting into the paddock as we don't want to damage it in its flowering stage. I'm also spreading the same fertiliser on any barley that isn't performing as it should. Doesn't sound impossible? No, I didn't think so either. Until... 
Turns out taking a tractor and spreader into a paddock that the motorbike gets lost in is a little nerve wracking. As always, auto steer turns sharp corners precisely where you don't need it to! Thankfully four wheel drive, a throttle lever and tyres that spread the weight have let me get away with just tracks at this point. There's still the bulk of this map left, and the blue bits are the 'treacherous' zones
Getting bogged is a highly amusing part of farm work... For those of us that didn't do the bogging! Hopefully I get away without having to buy a carton! Wish me luck..

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