Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Blessed Rain

As I have said previously, we are at the whim of Mother Nature in this lifestyle. Without rain to make the crops germinate we rely solely on the wool and meat we grow from our Merino's. Too much rain in summer washes out the feed meaning we have to feed our stock by hand. Not enough rain during winter means having to pump water to dams in summer to ensure our stock stay healthy. Frost during the growth stages of crops can be devastating on their overall growth. Lightning strikes in summer can start fires that stop our whole community until we manage to put them out. There are countless ways in which Mother Nature can leave us feeling a little dejected, a little lost and in serious need of hope.

Thankfully she does give us hope as well. There is nothing quite like knowing the seed is in the ground and waking up to the sweet sound of rain on a tin roof. Walking outside and having the cleansing fresh smell of rain on dirt drift over you like a wave. Seeing the puddles starting to form. Watching the ripples across the dams, knowing they are slowly filling as the raindrops scatter across the surface. Seeing the sun's rays break out from behind the clouds and watching the whole world begin to sparkle. As a child, watching the rainbows form and hoping the 'pot of gold' was on our farm! Feeling wet grass underfoot and soft warm rays upon your face and knowing the crops are soaking up exactly the same thing.

Mother Nature is a force to be reckoned with, and yes, farmers often complain about her. That is just us hoping we have a chance of breaking even or even making a profit. Underneath that, I don't think you will find a farmer who doesn't appreciate the sheer force and beauty of Mother Nature. She can give and she can take and no farmer ever takes her for granted. We merely try and sense her moods and prepare for them as best we can.

Even our veggies are loving the rain this morning!!

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